
  1. Alexkom

    Innata Chamois im Test: Custom E-Enduro aus Italien

    @FrankoniaTrails yes looks like something that would cause some interest, rear hub motors tend to be a bit strange with handling though unless they have a lot of power. Its crazy how many different small bike companies are out there trying stuff, innovating and selling. We mostly stay on main...
  2. Alexkom

    Innata Chamois im Test: Custom E-Enduro aus Italien

    Hey guys. It was an interesting bike to try. Has same geo as haibike. Suprise ride. However as we said in the test, was a prototype frame, hastily welded. The concept though of customer decided geometry is why we tested the bike. Anyway always interested in trying different ideas.
  3. Alexkom

    Innata Chamois im Test: Custom E-Enduro aus Italien

    Innata Chamois im Test: Custom E-Enduro aus Italien Das Innata Chamois wird lediglich auf Bestellung und nach den exakten Vorgaben des Kunden gefertigt – keine Massenfertigung also. Dementsprechend simpel fällt die Formsprache des Rahmens aus, denn nur so lassen sich individuelle...